If you are an employer, owner/occupier of a business or industrial premises or if you have some control over any commercial premises then you have a legal responsibility to have a fire risk assessment in place.
Bels Fire Extinguishers, Fire Protection in Stevenage are specialists in the field of fire risk assessments for domestic and commercial properties throughout Stevenage and Hertfordshire. We specialise in providing fully qualified and insured fire risk assessments. You can be assured of a comprehensive and fully compliant fire risk assessment that’s a professional and cost-effective solution for your business.
Your fire risk assessment will be followed with a detailed report containing a comprehensive written account of observations, recommendations, photographic evidence, executive summary and action plan.
Our main clients within this specialist field include landlords, freeholders, property managers, estate agents, business owners and responsible persons and compliance managers for any organisation.
In England and Wales, the law states that if you’re an employer, owner, landlord or occupier of business or non-domestic premises, you are responsible for fire safety and are known as the ‘responsible person’.
As the person responsible you must:
- Carry out a fire risk assessment of the premises and review it regularly
- Tell staff or their representatives about the risks you’ve identified
- Put in place and maintain appropriate fire safety measures
- Plan for an emergency
- Provide staff information, fire safety instruction and training
The law is governed by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. Visit www.gov.uk/workplace- fire-safety-your-responsibilities for more information.

Why do I need a fire risk assessment?
A Fire Risk Assessment is a legal requirement. If you are responsible for a building, as in an employer or owner you need to make sure a suitably competent person completes a Fire Risk Assessment. It is your duty to identify fire risks and hazards in your premises and take appropriate action.
What is a fire risk assessment?
In essence, a fire risk assessment is conducted in five key steps:
- Identify the fire hazards.
- Identify people at risk.
- Evaluate, remove or reduce the risks.
- Record the findings, prepare an emergency plan and provide training.
Let’s ensure you and your property are properly protected